Ayrshire Area Support Team Holds Exciting Panel Member Award Ceremony

Ayrshire recognition event
On the 11th June the Ayrshire Area Support Team (AST) held its annual award ceremony in the Council Chambers in Kilmarnock. A total of 50 Panel & AST Members and guests gathered to celebrate the incredible contribution that Ayrshire volunteers have made, and continue to make, to children and young people in their area.
31 serving and former Panel and AST Members were recognised for their service at the event. The combined service of these volunteers totals an incredible 330 years. The longest serving award went to Helen Steele, South Ayrshire Panel Member, who was recognised for a service of 25 years. Jim Heron, North Ayrshire; Irene Bell, East Ayrshire and Anne O’Hare, South Ayrshire, received awards for 20 years’ service. Five Panel Members received awards for 15 years’ service, four Panel Members received awards for 10 years’ service and 10 Panel and 1 AST Member received an award for 5 years’ service.
“Panel and AST Members in Ayrshire were rightly celebrated during this special evening. They are very much part of a large “Panel family”, supporting one another and making the best decisions with and for the young people attending Children’s Hearings in Ayrshire.”
- Erica Edwards, Area Convener
Depute Provost Leitch welcomed everyone to the event and gave a touching speech on her role as Children and Young People’s Champion and how she sees first-hand the difference that Panel Members make. Boyd McAdam, National Convener and Chief Executive, always warmly welcomed in Ayrshire spoke about some of the exciting changes coming for the community. Erica Edwards, Area Convener thanked every Panel and AST Member for their dedication and hard work in helping improve the lives of children and young people. Lastly, she congratulated Boyd McAdam on receiving an O.B.E. in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.
The Provosts in each area presented awards with assistance from Lead Panel Reps and the Clerk. Panel Members with a service of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years were presented with a framed certificate and a CHS service badge. Lisa Owen, AST Clerk had made little gift envelopes for each of the badges. Former Panel Members with a service of over 6 years were presented with a framed certificate and a gift card.
“We had an amazing night celebrating the achievements of our hard-working Ayrshire Panel and AST Members who were recognised for their dedication and service to the Children’s Hearing System. Every day they go above and beyond the call of duty”.
- Lisa Owen, Clerk