Children's Hearings Scotland Learning Academy launches!

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Today (Thursday 31 January 2019) we launch our new Children’s Hearings Scotland Learning Academy (also known as the Learning Academy).
Developed in partnership with a range of stakeholders, the Learning Academy is designed to ensure that learning for our 3,000 strong volunteer community is current and relevant for the role.
The Learning Academy will provide a range of online and face to face learning and development opportunities that ensure our 2,500 Panel Members are equipped to make the best decisions with and for the children and young people across Scotland attending children’s hearings. It also supports learning and development for our 400 volunteer Area Support Team members who provide leadership and support to Panel Members at a local level.
Boyd McAdam, National Convener and CEO at Children’s Hearings Scotland said, “One of our key values is to ensure that all children and young people are at the very heart of everything we do. Not only does the Learning Academy offer a range of training that will enhance Panel Member practice in children’s hearings, but it offers real opportunity for collaboration.”
It also features a Learn from the experts series offering Panel Members the opportunity to learn from experts in the field on emerging research and practice.
Children’s Hearings Scotland’s National Training Lead, Meggan Jameson adds, “I joined CHS over a year ago when the Learning Academy was still a concept and I’m delighted to have been part of its launch. I’m particularly excited about the Learn from the experts series which will offer our colleagues and partners across the sector an opportunity to learn and develop together, with a clear focus on improving outcomes for children and young people.”
If you would like to find out more about collaborating with our Learning Academy Team please contact Meggan Jameson –
The Learning Academy takes over from the CHS Training Unit. To view our 2019 prospectus log onto the Learning Academy online.