Dumfries and Galloway Area Support Team Hold Recognition Event

Dumfries and Galloway Recognition Event
On the 5th of June, 2019, Dumfries and Galloway Area Support Team thanked and acknowledged each and every one of its volunteers with an afternoon tea at Threave Gardens, Castle Douglas.
Councillor Pauline Drysdale opened the evening commenting “As it was Volunteers’ Week it made it even more special. I was deeply honoured to be able to meet the incredible people who so graciously give up their time to help our young people. It’s a difficult and sometimes painful job and we all appreciate the great work that the Children’s Panel do."
Christine Mullen, Operations Manager at Children’s Hearing Scotland added "We are always looking for more volunteers so please contact us should you be able to help. Finally, we’d like to thank Threave Estate and team for their wonderful food and service at this event."
Richard Oxley, Area Convener, presented a gift to long standing Panel Member Anne Murray on her retirement after 23 years of service, alongside Christine Mullen, Operations Manager, Children’s Hearings Scotland and Julie Stables, Learning and Development Co-ordinator, Dumfries and Galloway Area Support Team. Following her retirement as a Panel Member, Anne Murray is now taking on the role of Panel Practice Advisor. She advised that she was looking forward to carrying out this role within the Area Support Team.