Inverclyde Hosts Panel Member and Area Support Team Recognition Evening

Inverclyde recognition event
On 13 June, the Inverclyde Area Support Team hosted a lovely event to acknowledge the contribution to the welfare of children and young people in Inverclyde of Panel Members and Area Support Team (AST) volunteers and to welcome new members.
The event was a great chance for Panel Members and AST to get together, meet old friends and make new ones, share stories and support each other. A special thanks from the Inverclyde AST goes to Panel Member Carol O’Neill who did most of the organising of the event, and it was much appreciated.
Awards on the evening were presented by Christine Love, Area Convener, Councillor Moran, Inverclyde Council Councillor representative on AST, and Catherine Goodfellow, Recruitment & Retention Lead Children’s Hearings Scotland.
A huge congratulations to the individuals that were celebrated at the event:
New Panel Member certificates:
David Mark, Maureen Coyle, Louise Glass, Jennifer Scott-McClafferty, Laura Canning, Christopher McKillop, Hazel Wiseman, Alison Gray, Paul Allan
Panel Member Continued Service Certificates:
Patricia Bell (2 reappointments)
Maureen Quinn (2 reappointments)
George Brown (3 reappointments)
Susanne Le May (2 reappointments)
Chalmers Smith (2 reappointments)
John Smith Jnr (2 reappointments
Denise Gorman (2 reappointments)
Elizabeth Briant (3 reappointments)
Panel Member Long Service (10 years +):
Marjorie Tait (10 years’ service
Andrew McGerr (13 years’ service)
Gillian Conway (12 years’ service)
Mary Lewis (6 years’ service, Lead Panel Practice Advisor)
Duncan MacArthur (31 years’ service, Panel Member)
John Smith Snr (36 years’ service, Panel Member)
“Duncan and John were recognised last year for their exceptionally long service and we were disappointed to hear that they were both choosing not to apply for reappointment this year, but understanding of their decision to do so. They will be missed. There surely can’t be many Panel members with longer service!”
- Christine Love, Area Convener